LinkedIn Summary Examples for Every Kind of Job Seeker

A well-written LinkedIn summary can draw the attention of LinkedIn frequenters, making them excited about getting to know you and learning from you or working with you.

In this article, Intelogik takes you deeper into the components that comprise an elegant LinkedIn summary, including the strategies you could use in your own LinkedIn summary as well as the best possible paragraphs that emphasize what’s distinctive about you.

Where do I find the LinkedIn Summary?

The LinkedIn summary is located in the “about” section of your LinkedIn page. It is here that you can showcase your professional experiences, notable accomplishments, and skills relevant to your profession as well as other pertinent details that you would like to communicate. Using up to 2,500 characters (around 300-500 words) for a LinkedIn summary, you can easily create an outline that reads more like an engaging story rather than a resume that outlines your work experience.

What are the key elements of a LinkedIn Summary?

Your LinkedIn summary provides you with an opportunity to present yourself with an in-depth introduction. It should read as an elevator pitch with a brief overview of your background, highlighting who you are, what you do and what you’ve accomplished, all the while showcasing your personal style.

Listed below are the main elements that you should ensure your LinkedIn summary has:

An impressive opening in the first few hundred words.

There’s a reason the first 300 words in the LinkedIn summary are considered to be the most important piece of information: LinkedIn will display these few words first and then ask visitors to “see more” if they wish to read the remaining portion of your information. Therefore, it is important to choose a captivating opening to ensure that the opening 300 words “hook” your viewers and inspire them to know more about you.

Express yourself like a story.

Be authentic and genuine. Think about starting by sharing an anecdote, expressing your passion, and sharing the significance of something you’ve done. Don’t start with an inquiry or use empty buzzwords that do not convey anything. Let your personality reflect in the LinkedIn summary by writing it in the first person. This will give you a tremendous sense of ownership and anyone who reads your summary would feel more connected to you as an individual.

Stick to optimized keywords.

Use industry-specific keywords whenever possible. But you must not overuse them. If you’re struggling to find keywords, conduct an organic search or check out the job listings to determine what qualifications are listed most frequently for the kind of work you excel in. For instance, if you’re a software engineer, it is likely that you would be inclined to place more stress on the programming languages and tech terminology that you’re familiar with.

Incorporate elements of readability.

Neatly divide your LinkedIn summary using elements that make it easier to read, such as short paragraphs, bullet points and even appropriate emojis, if relevant. Make use of white space to give your summary “breathing space.” Use a sequence of bullet points that can be linked to your larger story. You can also style the summary in a way that makes certain words bold so they stand emphasized. Overall, the goal is to create a summary that is easy to see and simple to comprehend.

How can I improve my LinkedIn Summary?

If you have already penned a LinkedIn summary but are not too sure if it is good enough, take a look at the different ways you can improve the quality of your LinkedIn summary.

1. Pique Interest

Make sure the first line in your LinkedIn Summary piques interest. This can be done by sharing a genuine anecdote from your own life that reflects who you are and why you chose to do what you are currently pursuing. For instance, “I love finding out what consumers would like to know. That’s why I chose to become a brand marketer.”

The process of discussing how you came to discover your love for the work you do, what makes you excited about your job, or things that you’re most proud of is an excellent opportunity to showcase your personal style and skills.

2. Discuss your background

Make use of the opportunity to talk about your professional path. If you’ve taken a clear route or tried a variety of methods, this is your opportunity to put your ideas into context. Give a brief overview of your professional history using an easy story, not the usual list of facts. If you began with a story, then go to your professional experience and describe the path you took to get to where you are today.

3. Discuss your current position

After you’ve described your previous work, provide details about your current position. Include details of your daily tasks and the tasks you’ve been able to accomplish. Just make sure it does not read like a job outline. If you’re seeking employment, this is the perfect platform for discussing your career goals and what you’d like to achieve in your next job.

4. Detail your accomplishments

Highlight your accomplishments by focusing on what you did to achieve them. What did you do to make something better? It is important to describe the reasons behind your achievements to help readers gain an idea of the impact you have made to achieve the end result. Recognizing your achievements can give credibility to you and help you build your reputation as a successful professional within your field.

5. End with a call to action

A lot of LinkedIn summary pages conclude with a list of technical abilities and a call for action is equally successful. Although a call to action may not be required, however, it could be useful when you’re searching for the perfect job. Be sure to include some information regarding your goals and how you plan to reach these goals through your career, and encourage readers to contact you through LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Summary Examples for Job Seekers

Take these summaries as a guideline when you create your LinkedIn summary.

  1. Example 1:-  In my previous job, I received the ‘Most Likely to always have a smile on Her Face’ award which shows my passion and enthusiasm for what I do. This enthusiasm inspires me to love customer service in my job as an agent for commercial real estate as well as a property administrator. This job requires exceptional customer service that I deliver through empathy and problem-solving. I’m adept at working with teams within the company at all levels. I am looking for a position in real estate, where I can provide clients with market information and offer guidance throughout the process of purchasing or selling properties.
  2. Example 2 :- Over the past 10 years, I’ve been in various development roles in coaching, operations and career planning as well as recruitment and development of business. I’ve been a major driving force in developing programs to build teams that are high-performing and in training new hires. My love for professional development has helped me implement successful methods of coaching for assessment, career pathways, as well as professional development. I am currently looking for an opportunity in career development in the education or non-profit sector. I hope to raise people’s standards by helping them in career transitions that align with their interests, hobbies, and advancement.
  3. Example 3 :-  Throughout my life, I’ve been awed by working with other people. In the last few years, I have been able to improve my abilities to communicate and lead as a manager in the food service industry, and also aid the restaurant to achieve record-breaking growth in sales for the fifth consecutive year. However, I was always hungry for more. When I had time off, I started teaching myself the basics of concepts in marketing and design on the internet. It was in this course that I discovered the perfect way to combine my passion for working with other people with my own creative endeavors. I am seeking the opportunity to be creative and focus on my area of expertise with regard to website copywriting, design, emails, sales letters, and event promotion.

Intelogik has forged technical advances to transform the hiring landscape for job seekers and recruiters alike. Our career accelerator program provides job seekers with coaching and mentorship from industry leaders employed at FAANG companies while recruiters ally with Intelogik to empower their hiring strategy and hone in on the best candidates. Learn more about Intelogik here and reach out to us on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.