Get trained by EXPERTS not just ordinary trainers!!

We have trained more than 3000 IT professionals just like you in™ platform, which is world famous for developing intelligent cloud based applications. Salesforce is helping around 6 million business professionals worldwide. In India and abroad, as a THE BEST Salesforce Training providers, we are helping more than 100 medium to large enterprises to grow and expand by offering fully fledged Salesforce training.

As the demand for developing cloud applications and use of™ is increasing worldwide,We have started this training program to train and convert candidates like you to future IT professionals with high degree of knowledge in Cloud computing space.

Why inteLogik?
The benefits of environmental training are several and comprise:

  1. Empowering students to adapt with Salesforce market change
  2. Improving students productivity.
  3. Offering regular and correct details of Salesforce trends
  4. Awareness of market shift and opportunities that can be fed back into the strategy.™ Training & Certification FAQ

How™ training will help escalate my career?

Since™ Training is considered a benchmark in basic Cloud Computing knowledge in the corporate world, it will aid in becoming better armed to secure latest jobs in the technology field.[/accordion]

What I will be learning in inteLogik’s™ training program?

You will be provided training on the theoretical and practical aspects of Admin,Developer,Lightning,Integration level™ certification. You may also opt for any Salesforce certifications. They include:

  • The basic platform, Data model details
  • Programming perspective
  • Salesforce Lightning

What are the different levels of™ training available?

Four levels of™ training are available:

  • ADM 201 level training
  • ADM 211 level training
  • App Buiilder (Old name: DEV 401) level training
  • Platform Developer 1/2 (Old Name:DEV 501) level training

What does™ Certification Program provide me?

It will give you an opportunity to be educated on the world’s best Cloud Computing platform with practical on-the-job training; it will prepare you to be readily employable by the world’s top companies. Moreover, it will boost your confidence with your knowledge and offer global opportunity to acquire a significant job in this field.

After training how can I pursue my career on Salesforce’s platform?

After being trained under inteLogik’s™ training program,you will have the prospect of pursuing your career on the following profiles:

  •™ Trainee
  •™ Developer
  •™ Consultant
  •™ Administrator

I am a new user and not an expert on™ level. Shall I register for the exam?

Before appearing for certification, new users should first get trained in™ with a reputed company.

The best option is to get trained. However, if you want to appear for direct exam, then self-study would be a better alternative.

Are there any sample exams or sample questions provided by inteLogik?

Yes,™ exam papers and sample questions are available with us which will help you a lot.

What is the basic™ Certification process by inteLogik?

Firstly, you will have to undergo training on ADM and DEV training (inteLogik provides both levels in one go).Subsequently, if you intend to go further for Advanced Developer level, you can extend your training period. Your account on™ platform will be made with a practical approach.

What are the differences between the different types of™ Certification?

  • ADM 201 level training
  • ADM 211 level training
  • App Buiilder (Old name: DEV 401) level training
  • Platform Developer 1/2 (Old Name:DEV 501) level training

Does™ Certification require enrollment in formal classes?

Are the exams difficult? If you have undergone training and good with the functionality and platform, then you will not find the exams difficult.

Will I be given some tips on taking the exams?

Yes.Post training, the trainers and other members help the students to clear exams. Sample exams are available for all levels.

What is the format of the exams?

It is an objective type exam.Commonly, there are 4 choices for every question. Duration of exam is of 60 minutes. Number of question varies as per the certification level exam being attempted. After the exam is completed, scores are available.

What happens if I do not pass an exam?

If one does not pass an exam, he/she can reappear for it. However, there is no need to pay full amount every time.

If I become™ Certified and I change employers, does my certification remain valid?

Yes, absolutely. The certification is valid irrespective of the employers.