1. The iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK)The Software Development Kit (SDK) Objective-C
- Frame works
- Cocoa Touch
- Foundation Framework
- The iPhone Frameworks
2. Objective-C
- Objective-C Classes and Objects
- The @interface and @implementation Compiler Directives
- Method Declaration and Definition
- Nested Arguments
- Class and Instance Methods
- The alloc and init Methods
- Managing Memory Using Retain and Release.
- Properties, Retain, Assign, Copy.
- Multiple-Argument Messages
- Understanding the id Variable type
- Categories & Protocols.
3. UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate
- Adding a UIView and UIViewController to a UIApplicationDelegate
- Connecting UIWindow, UIApplication, and UIApplicationDelegate
- Try This: Exploring MainWindow.xib
- UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate
- The main.m file
- Handling Application Life Cycle Events.
4. UIView and UIViewController
- The UIView Class
- The UIViewController Class
- View-based Application Template
- IBoutlet and IBAction
- Using a View-based Application Template
5. Controls
- Buttons
- Text Fields
- Labels
- Sliders
- Progress
- Switch
- Web View
- Image View
- Segmented Control
- Date picker
- Picker
- Alerts & Action Sheets
- Page Controller
6. Basic NS Classes
- NSString, NSObject
- NSArray, NSMutable Array
- NSDictionary, NSMutable Dictionary
- Other etc important classes
7. Tables Using UITableView and UITableViewController
- UITableView
- UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource
- UITableViewDelegate
- UITableViewDataSource
- Adopting the UITableViewDelegate and
- UITableViewDataSource
- UITableViewController.
8. UINavigationBar and UINavigationController
- UINavigationBar, UINavigationController, and UINavigationItem
- Try This: Building a Three-View Application Using a Navigation Bar
- Adding Another View
- Try This: Duplicating the Utility Application
- More on the UINavigationController
- Pushing and Popping
- Try This: Using a Navigation Controller in a Tab
9. UITabBar and UITabBarController
- UITabBar, UITabBarController, UITabBarItem, and UITabBarControllerDelegate
- Using the Tab Bar Application Template
- Adding a Tab Bar Item to a Tab Bar Application
- Allowing Users to Customize a Tab Bar
10. XML Parsing
11. WebServices
12. Core Data
- Core Data in brief
- Creating Core Data Model
- Entites, Attributes, Relationships
- Generating NSManaged Object
- Adding Objects
- Saving Changes
- Fetching Entities
- Deleting Entities
13. SQLite
- Creating DataBase using simple firefox SQLite Manager
- SQL Database Manipulations
- Opening the DataBase
- Statements, Preparing Statements, executing statements Select
14. Multimedia
- Playing Sounds AVAudioPlayer, AVAudioPlayerDelegate
- Media Player Framework MPMoviePlayer Controller
15. Core Plot (Bar Graph’s) & Core Graphics Introduction.
16. Google Maps & Annotations Introduction.
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